

Everyday, we pass through a storm but God in his infinity mercy always help us to overcome our day by day storm. Storm is like a test of faith. God does not do evil, but he permits evil to brings out the good aspect of it for his beloved children. Take Job for example, he was a just and righteous man before God but God left him to be tempted by the devil. Despite all the tribulations he went through, he did not curse God instead, he praised God. Do you know what happened at the end? God restored back to him in sevenfolds all that the serpent called the devil has destroyed and his latter was greater than his former. You maybe passing through a storm now and you think that there is no hope remember that in every storm, the is always a hope, at the end of every tunnel, there’s always a light, after the darkness, comes the dawn and daybreak and after rain, comes sunshine. For as long as God is on his throne, for as long as he is the unchangeable changer, your latter will surely be greater than your former.

RAPTURE cont’d

This is the begining of the end. This is also the greatest harvest ever. Whatsoever good work we do at that minute will be counted unto us as righteousness. Not just anyhow good work like a good work of eye service, but a Godly good work. Any sinner that repented few seconds before the rapture, shall be raptured. When we talk about Godly good work, it simple means works like, Serving God wholeheartedly, Preaching his gospel with pure mind, Giving to the needy wholeheartedly without expecting anything in return, Praising God wholeheartedly, Helping others wholeheartedly and totally not in eye service ways. Teaching others the ways of God, Keeping yourself holy by not Fornicating, Backbiting, Stealing, Killing and so on. This is what i call Godly good work. We all need to attribute holiness cause it’s only with it we can be raptured. Though, nobody is perfect, but we are to strive hard to be perfect like our heavenly father. This life is beautiful and tempting, but those that overcome the temptations of this world shall sit beside Jesus. REVELATION 2 VERSE 7,11,17,26-28 and RELEVATION 3 VERSE 5,12,21. This are the seven promises that Jesus promised for those who overcome and are raptured. How prepared are you for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? How prepared are you for the greatest harvest on earth? Mind you, after the great harvest comes the great tribulation after which the greatest battle between light and darkness. Which is the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to rule this world for a thousand years after which the evil shall be loosen again for a season to deceive the nations one more time and to battle against the holy city and after this is Judgement. Those who are raptured shall be free from the second death, but those who are not, stand a chance to fall into the second death which is the lake of fire and brimestones. We are all to set up a treasure for ourselves in heaven for us to be rapturable. The book of LUKE 12 VERSE 33-48 talks about a faithful servant that waited for his lord without compromising and also the unfaithful servant that compromised because his lord tarry and he was punished but, the faithful servant was rewarded. His lord make him ruler over all that he hath. This is what Jesus Christ will do when we are raptured even to those left behind that do not receive the mark of the beast either on their fore-head, or their arms. He is going to make them ruler of his household and they are going to reign with in for a thousand years.
There shall be no more pains, tears, or any kind of sorrow. All that will be left is singing, dancing, and jubilating. Peace will be everywhere, there will be no more war, no more sickness, no more agony. Trust me. It’s a period we all long for. We can only be a partaker of this peace if we are rapturable and if our names is in the book of life. This is a life we don’t gave to work, struggle or languish before achieving anything good. This is a life where everybody is equal, there would be no poor people cause we all will be living a life of comfort, a life of plenteous things, a life wipe humans and animals will be friends that you don’t need to fear lion, tiger or any other wild animal because, they will be at peace with us. This is a life where people never grow old nor did. But, this is only for those with pure heart and mind who died in christ, who lived for christ, who kept the 10 commandment God gave to Moses, who meditate on the word of God day and night and does not go contary to the word of God. Those fill with the love of christ and also loves their neighbour as theirselves. We all can always be a partaker of this beautiful world that is to come if we all surrender totally to God and accepting Christ as our lord and personal saviour and also accepting the comfort the Holy Spirit brings and allowing the Holy Spirit to direct our rats leading us in the way we all should go. Am not talking about partial summition, am talking about total summition to the Holy Spirit, allowing him to take total control of your life. Teaching you the word of God. After alkl this, serving God with all our heart and our soul. Praising him day and night and proclaiming his goodness to all generations. Teaching others about the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, keeping God’s commandment and teaching them to your children and other people. This way we stand a chance to be partaker of his grace and also be a partaker of the raptured ones. Let’s prepare ourselves for the rapture for it is at hand. People will surely say that they have been saying it generations before now and that they will keep on saying it. They are practically like the unfaithful servant that compromised because his master tarry. Everybody has his/her own reward to collect from God. It’s up to us to choose if we are going to be a sheep or a goat, the faithful servant or the unfaithful servant. Let’s strive hard to be an overcomer cause the price of being an overcomer is mouth watering. Though, it’s not easy, we all just have to try hard and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can overcome the temptations of this world. Asking for divine grace of God to overcome the lust of flesh is not too much. It’s the grace of God and the blood of the lamb which is the blood of Jesus and with the help of the Holy Spirit that can make us an overcomer. Let’s remain faithful to God our master and we should not be like the unfaithful servant for us to be rapturable. Remain Bless and Remain Rapturable. SELAH.


Aqeb in hebrew translated to Footprint. Oxford dictionary defines it as ‘The mark or impression of a foot.’ Whose footprint are you following? God or Man or the devil’s footprint? It’s important to know the kind of footprint you follow cause it determines your end. Your story from the begining determines what your end will be like unless you change in the middle. You follow the wrong footstep from the begining and you didn’t change in the middle, then your end is doomed. It’s better to follow the footprint of Jesus cause if u’re about to step on a sinking sand, he will carry you. The devil’s footprint leads to death but Jesus footprint leads to life everlasting. Man’s footprint most times mislead us but a footprint that standeth assure is Jesus footprint and it’s with the help of the Holy Spirit that we able to recognise Jesus footprint. I pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us through.


Months of Embers commonly known has bababa month, is always the most feared months in the whole year cause it is believed that demons are always 100times more than the rest of the month. Oxford dictionary defines Embers as: ‘The sparking or glowing of remains of a fire.’ Ember days are four seperated days in the same week for fasting and praying in Rome and in latin it is called ‘quattuor ami tempora’. It is the prayer is for peace and mostly falls in September. Most people tend not to count the month of ember as a dangerous one, they see it like other months whereas it’s d most dangerous part of the year. Every ending is always dangerous just like when this world will come to an end, there will be lot of dangers and tribulations, that’s how months of ember are. People die more in month of embers than anyother month. This is a time of the year that the devil will send out different demons into the world. Demons like greed, covetousness, fornication, wickedness, adultery, maliciousness, envy, deceit, malignity, whisperers, murder, despite, pride, e.t.c. If one is not careful, one will fall victim of one of the demons when one is trying to meet up with the end of the year balance sheet. This is the period people do look for a lucrative job. It’s only with prayer one can overcome the month of embers and i pray that we all will see 2015 IN JESUS NAME. AMEN.


I was checking a profile online then i came across the word Beautiful Gate; immediately i remember the blind Man at the gate of the temple called Yafa in hebrew language which is interpreted as beautiful. Most of us are like the blind man at the beautiful gate. We are at the doorstep of promise land but, we fail to see it. Though, it ain’t completely our fault that we can’t see it. The devil uses a veil to cover our faces through our sins sometime and through household wickedness. Most times, it’s through our sins because household wickedness can never penetrate into you unless there is an hollow in you. You might not commit a sin but, the sins of your fore-father is always an hollow for them to penetrate in. A generational curse is one, unforgiving spirit, foundational background and many more. Sometimes, it’s a test of faith in God. Jesus Christ was tempted during his fasting period even after when he was through fasting. Since the son of God could be tested by the devil, who are we to avoid temptation? God did not say that we won’t be tempted, but he promise not to tempt us beyond what we can bear. The book of 1st CORINTHIANS 10 VS 13 which say thus: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way wo escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” This is the promise of God to us. Take Job for example, he was a perfect and just man before God yet he was tempted by the devil. Before him and after him no man has ever been tempted by the devil like that even he the devil does in this world we are now, how many people will stand? Likewise, no man has ever suffer the Jesus Christ did and that because Jesus has paid the necessary price for us. Let’s be steadfast in God cause it’s just for a while. Like the blind man at the beautiful gate, we’ll all one day recieve our sight. The book of PSALM 125 VS 1 which says thus: “They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever.” This is assurance we need. Let’s trust in God. SELAH.


I was checking a profile online then i came across the word Beautiful Gate; immediately i remember the blind Man at the gate of the temple called Yafa in hebrew language which is interpreted as beautiful. Most of us are like the blind man at the beautiful gate. We are at the doorstep of promise land but, we fail to see it. Though, it ain’t completely our fault that we can’t see it. The devil uses a veil to cover our faces through our sins sometime and through household wickedness. Most times, it’s through our sins because household wickedness can never penetrate into you unless there is an hollow in you. You might not commit a sin but, the sins of your fore-father is always an hollow for them to penetrate in. A generational curse is one, unforgiving spirit, foundational background and many more. Sometimes, it’s a test of faith in God. Jesus Christ was tempted during his fasting period even after when he was through fasting. Since the son of God could be tested by the devil, who are we to avoid temptation? God did not say that we won’t be tempted, but he promise not to tempt us beyond what we can bear. The book of 1st CORINTHIANS 10 VS 13 which say thus: “There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way wo escape, that ye may be able to bear it.” This is the promise of God to us. Take Job for example, he was a perfect and just man before God yet he was tempted by the devil. Before him and after him no man has ever been tempted by the devil like that even he the devil does in this world we are now, how many people will stand? Likewise, no man has ever suffer the Jesus Christ did and that because Jesus has paid the necessary price for us. Let’s be steadfast in God cause it’s just for a while. Like the blind man at the beautiful gate, we’ll all one day recieve our sight. The book of PSALM 125 VS 1 which says thus: “They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth forever.” This is assurance we need. Let’s trust in God. SELAH.


Everyday people talks about prosperity, wealth, healing and so on and totally forgetting about the resurrection of Man which is called RAPTURE. Don’t get me wrong, am not saying that they ain’t good. Yes, they are good infact, they are one of the vital things in life. The book of MATTHEW 6 VS 25-33 talks about seeking God’s kingdom. This life is a market place while heaven is our final destination. If we all seek God’s face, every other things like; food, clothe, shelter, wealth, good health, e.t.c shall all be added unto us. The bible passage above explains it all. We are all meant to seek for a place in heaven, we are meant to work after righteousness and for our name to be written in the BOOK OF LIFE. Back to the topic of the day RAPTURE. The Oxford dictionary defines Rapture as Great Delight. Biblicaly, Rapture day is a day of great delight for all true christians and true worshippers of God while, it’s a day of great tribulation, great disaster for all those that are left behind. As much as it is a day of Joy, so all so it’s a day of sadness. Accident will occur, plane clash will occur. The death rate for that day will be higher than any other day cause if the pilot in the plane is raptured, the plane will clash. People that are together in the Farm, Market, Office, Home, School, e.t.c will start running helter-skelter. It’s a day of singing for those who are raptured but a day of weeping for those that are left behind. It’s a day when memories will be flashing back to those left behind and the word ‘Had I Know’ will be in their mouth. This same day there are still going to be some people that will try to turn the situation to their favour. It’s the day that the sickle shall be thrust on earth to reap the harvest. What is this harvest? We humans are the harvest. That is, the true christ-like. When the trumpet shall sound, only the true born again shall hear it. First, the dead that died in christ will be the first to hear it. When the second trumpet shall sound, those that are living and are in christ shall hear it and shall ascend up to heaven. There cloth shall be changed, they shall be giving a golden crown. The earthly cloth that is on them shall fall back to earth. The earthly body which is called the flesh, shall be cast back into the dust. They shall put on their celestian body and celestian cloth. While those back on earth, shall be weeping and in it you will see those that the devil is their lord and master trying to make fame out of it. This is a day we all must experience either the good of it or the bad side of it. But, it is better to witness the good side of it than the bad side of it cause of the tribulation that will follow. This is a day of great weeping which has never been on earth before and it’s the begining of the greatest tribulation which has never been on earth before. To be continued.